There is no doubt that every day drones are present on most aspect of our lives, from supporting farmers to sport broadcasts, but in the Real Estate market they will play a leading role starting 2018, here is how.
Property images. According to numbers from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) 90% of future property buyers use internet as their first source of information, so it is no longer enough to post frontal photos in low resolution, it is necessary to reach the level of detail that only an aerial shot can achieve.
Time saving. With the possibility of personalized virtual tours using drone images, Real Estate professionals and clients would save time by discarding those properties that don’t meet their requirements, in order to focus on those that could finally end up becoming their next home.
Shorten distances. All those advantages are even more important for those cases where the client isn’t currently residing in the area, so it would be practically impossible to check properties that may ultimately be inadequate. With drone technology, that first inspection can be made from anywhere so that later clients can visit the properties they are most interested in.