These days it is no longer just about location and price, clients have become more and more demanding, here are some of their questions.
What does it have to offer in relation to smart phone technology? Many people are ready to move in and they already have devices of this kind, so they need to know if they require some type of integration or adapter to be able to use them. A smart home has stopped just being an option to become the standard at the time of making the decision.
Can I walk there? New projects in Coral Gables, Brickelland Key Biscayne, located very close to schools, restaurants, stores, and night clubs, have confirmed with their growing demand that people want a lifestyle where the car is only used for long distances, but not for their day to day, so they are willing to bet for these types of projects.
How are the furnishings in detail? There aren’t many excuses from the builder or owner nor patience from clients. Specially on luxury units, the client wants to know about the floors in each area of the property, the furnishings in the secondary bathrooms, they want to feel that there is a commitment to deliver a property up to par with the impressive brochures or images online that are used to offer the property, this is an important part of customer satisfaction.